Thursday, October 6, 2016

World War Z: A Review

A zombie Apocalypse is an even many look forward to partaking in or not. I did enjoy this book. It hit on numerous key emotional notes done so by interviews. It is a very interesting take on zombie literature in the 21st century, considering real-world implications. However, some flaws in the story are noticeable.

The key flaw in this narrative style is repetition. Brooks does a great job in creating a believable fictional narrative, however the major drawback to this technique is repetition of narratives. Brooks writes very well, but the dialogue just doesn't seem to come from real people: the paragraphs go on, but is it reasonable for those people who likely have PTSD to be able express their experiences during the conflict so easily? Perhaps not.

An alternative view of the narrative is that it was meant to be unreliable. It is reminiscent of War of the Worlds, though more contained and more emotionally visceral. Additionally, in terms of mood/tone, it is similar to early Lovecraft: it is virtually the same throughout.

Though, the audio book version packs more of a punch than the book version.

Rating: I don't know if I can give this a solid rating, though it would range from 3.5/5 to 4/5

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